Salvador Zoo and Botanical Park i Bahia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BrasilienSalvador Zoo and Botanical Park



🕗 åbningstider

s/n, Rua Alto de Ondina, 40170-110, Salvador, Bahia, BR Brazil
kontakter telefon: +55 71 3116-7954
internet side:
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Latitude: -13.0088016, Longitude: -38.5049967

kommentar 5

  • Martin Jakubek

    Martin Jakubek


    The positive thing is that the entrance to the zoo is free, you don't pay anything. But that's also pretty much the same that you can expect. You can see some monkeys, two hippos, a couple of tapirs and turtles, but that's it. It seems like they're remodeling the zoo now (March 2018),but theres almost no info, no maps, no guides, nothing. Though the surroundings are nice. If you like nice views and you feel like going for a walk, it's ok. But dont expect a typical zoo.

  • Wilson Junior

    Wilson Junior


    It's a great place to go for a walk, with your family.

  • Bhaskar Prasad

    Bhaskar Prasad


    U find some rare monkeys which u cannot find in Asian zoo's.

  • Romari Martinez

    Romari Martinez


    It's not the easiest place to walk through cuz it is built on a hill but it's beautiful and has lots of animals that seem happy

  • Camilla Hellen P. de Lima

    Camilla Hellen P. de Lima


    Free entrance! Best place in town to take your kids! It has a lot of Brazilians animals and it's great if you like to walk! They are a zoo and also kind of botanic garden so watch out for he plants too!

nærmeste Zoo

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