Bittar Inn Hotel em Distrito Federal

BrasilBittar Inn Hotel


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🕗 horário

2542, Via N2, 70740-610, Brasília, Distrito Federal, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 61 3704-3010
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -15.7890813, Longitude: -47.887658

comentários 5

  • Irving Cavalcanti

    Irving Cavalcanti


    Low cost best localization

  • Júlia Silva

    Júlia Silva


    Hotel is quite old. Pictures from website and Google does not match, it is so much older and simple. You may listen any sound from other rooms and the twin bed is really small. The staff is very polite and they have a good breakfast.

  • Marcio Silveira Franco e Silva

    Marcio Silveira Franco e Silva


    I stayed at a very nice room for one person... Maybe it's time to change those old noisy doorknobs for more modern ones though (that if they weren't changed yet since I only been there on August of 2015). And also those green stickers on the plugs to indicate the voltage seem really weird, but I don't think it would be so easy to change them for political reasons... The breakfast was good and the staff was friendly and supportive.

  • Flávio Pereira Veloso

    Flávio Pereira Veloso


    Good rooms, breakfast, and stuff. I had a problem to connect with the wi fi that wasn't solved and at the breakfast the restaurant was very crowded, but in general it was a good experience.

  • Caio Rodrigues

    Caio Rodrigues


    It's good but not excellet. I had some issues with the water at the bathroom. The price is ok.

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