Braston VOA Business Hotel São Paulo em São Paulo

BrasilBraston VOA Business Hotel São Paulo


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330, Rua Martins Fontes, 01050-000, São Paulo, São Paulo, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 800 878 2312
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -23.5495415, Longitude: -46.6454701

comentários 5

  • Ali Chebli

    Ali Chebli


    Do not recommend to anyone. The hotel is very old, pictures they post can trick you to think it’s nice, but as soon as you arrive and enter the room. It’s a nightmare. We had issues with the air conditioning that was not working properly and had to call reception to fix it. Also everything is old, rusty and mold everywhere. I had it booked for 3 days, however left after 1 day (unbearable), took another hotel. I was not able to get my money back since they to not refund. All they offered is to hold my other 2 days for a future visit (which I really would not like to do). I recommend to pay 20 to 40% more and get another hotel closer to Avenida Paulista, and you will get a better deal and better experience.

  • Amazon Bull Rider

    Amazon Bull Rider



  • Marc Huijssoon

    Marc Huijssoon


    Good location, at front of the Mancini restaurant. Hotel is basic however clean sheets is what counts.

  • Gabriel Silva

    Gabriel Silva


    And nice and comfortable hotel to spend a few nights in São Paulo. Its rooms are a little bit old and need some restorations, and the area outside the hotel can be a little bit daunting for those less used to it, but it is a good and affordable place to stay.

  • Sharon Byrne

    Sharon Byrne


    It's OK. Very old and needs work done

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