Château de Gazon em Paraná

BrasilChâteau de Gazon



🕗 horário

134, Rua Pasteur, 80250-080, Curitiba, Paraná, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 41 3027-4407
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -25.441107, Longitude: -49.280715

comentários 5

  • Virginia Sanchez

    Virginia Sanchez


    Awesome food and good price

  • Tamas Kokai

    Tamas Kokai


    Great food, nice atmosphere. Bit dark, but still could see the self grilled food :)

  • Erika Weimer

    Erika Weimer


    I went to this restaurant with my fiancé for Valentine’s Day dinner. The restaurant staff was very friendly and helpful. We went on a Friday night and had a reservation which I would recommend to avoid a wait. The restaurant was full and buzzing with activity. We had the cheese, meat platter cooked on a hot rock, and the chocolate/caramel fondue. It was delicious!! I loved the whole experience.

  • Dave Horton

    Dave Horton


    Beautiful place and good service, reasonable price but the food was bland, completely without flavour. A real shame but this restaurant needs to change the chef

  • Eric Figueira

    Eric Figueira


    Went with my wife and I have nothing but praise. Everything is great: the food, the ambiance, the staff. We had the fondue on the stone. Delicious meats. Various delicious sauces. The cheese fondue was great as well. The chocolate fondue had Various fruits and was all delicious.

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