Expresso Curitiba Hostel e Coffee Bar em Paraná

BrasilExpresso Curitiba Hostel e Coffee Bar



🕗 horário

323, Rua Alfredo Bufren, 80060-150, Curitiba, Paraná, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 41 3328-4954
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -25.4281066, Longitude: -49.266257

comentários 5

  • Alexandre Brunelli

    Alexandre Brunelli


    Locations at fare price, rooms and service with very good quality

  • Luana Rodrigues

    Luana Rodrigues


    The food is amazing! The flavors are great, there is a lot of different options even for vegans. Price is ok and fair.

  • Guilherme Gallina

    Guilherme Gallina


    The hostel is by sure one of the best options to stay in Curitiba, there are 3 kinds of rooms, for girls, mans and mixed. They have breakfast for the guests and a kitchen for then cook what they want. Also the hostel has a coffe bar, where you can drink and eat a lot of good stuff, and sometimes they made parties that is always a good option to have good times.

  • Erry the Merry

    Erry the Merry


    Great location. Clean rooms. The ladder to get to the top bunk is very widely spaced: good luck if you're short!

  • Philip Wisner

    Philip Wisner


    Nice location. Rooms are spacious and clean. The beds are like cubbies so you have your own private space with a locker, light and an outlet.

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