Fred Restaurante em Distrito Federal

BrasilFred Restaurante



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SHCS CLS 405 Loja 10, BL B - Asa Sul, Brasília - DF, 70730-554, Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 61 3443-1450
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -15.8139725, Longitude: -47.8904381

comentários 5

  • Carla Arena

    Carla Arena


    Traditional restaurant in town with varied options for the whole family. Not cheap, but worth it. My kids’ favorite is the renowned picadinho, but I just love the steak tartare which is made on your table. Also, some German specialties is a great option. The profiteroles for dessert is a must. They’ve been really attentive to all sanitary regulations, which is a plus in times of covid.

  • Andre Sal

    Andre Sal


    Very nice experience with a typical Brazilian Food. (Picadinho). Friendly staff, clean rooms and a tasteful food. Reasonable price for the good quality. If this is your first time in Brasilia, go there!

  • Luís Guilherme Serra Pires

    Luís Guilherme Serra Pires


    Top dms

  • Rodrigo Bender

    Rodrigo Bender


    The food is ordinary and the place is very expansive. I barely understand how they charge so much for a simple home made chopped meat with potatoes and rice. The place is not very cozy. I went there with a coupon and even though wasn't worthwhile. There are many better restaurants in the same block. Plus, isn't german food at all.

  • Hiro Ferreira

    Hiro Ferreira


    Amazing food! If you are around, change your route to grab a bite there! It is worth it!

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