Hotel cruz de ouro em Rio de Janeiro

BrasilHotel cruz de ouro


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🕗 horário

274, Rua do Senado, 20231-006, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 21 2232-1844
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -22.9112173, Longitude: -43.1910153

comentários 5

  • Saulo



    A low cust hotel in the Rio downtown. The hotel looks a little old, but the rooms are nice and confortable. The breakfest are very simples, with few options

  • Marshall Troutner

    Marshall Troutner


    The staff are really nice and I really feel like they had no problem going out of their way for us. For the location, this was the best price we could find but no compromise on service. And the breakfast... So big and so delicious. The location is perfect too- walk to downtown, shopping, and Lapa. We could go out to Lapa and back at night safely without taxis or buses. Buses to all points of interest are a short walk at most.

  • burymeinpink



    Clean and comfortable. Everything works and the vending machine is a great idea. Breakfast is mediocre, and the bathrooms have no ventilation, which means towels don't dry properly, and there's a passive aggressive note suggesting you don't ask for the towels changed. In and of itself, that was one less is star in my rating. Location is convenient, although not pretty and not very safe. I would stay there again, and I would recommend it, but the location is complicated.

  • Rodrigo Silva

    Rodrigo Silva


    Basic rooms and enough confort for a couple nights. The breakfast is excellent and the location, 5 blocks from heart of Lapa neighborhood, is the biggest attractive.

  • Hadar S

    Hadar S


    Good breakfast , The first room was very bad and we ask to change it. (cost more money) After the change it was nice.

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