Mercure Porto Alegre Manhattan Hotel em Rio Grande do Sul

BrasilMercure Porto Alegre Manhattan Hotel


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🕗 horário

30, Rua Miguel Tostes, 90430-060, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 51 3024-3030
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -30.0283433, Longitude: -51.2057397

comentários 5

  • William McRee

    William McRee


    I basically lived here for nearly a year. Great location, very friendly, helpful and multi-lingual staff. The pool is awesome and workout area has a great view and great equipment. The location is perfect, close to shops, bars, restaurants. The rooms were very nice and had a nice balcony, very relaxing atmosphere.

  • Keren Greenblat

    Keren Greenblat


    Big apartments, nice facility. Great breakfast :)

  • Wellington Adami

    Wellington Adami


    Usually it's a good place to stay with an awesome breakfast. The last time I stayed in they did not attend a request I asked in the reservation form through their website.

  • Virgílio Gomes

    Virgílio Gomes


    Really good hotel, with great variety of food, great room service and a Nice ambient. Great hotel

  • David Champy

    David Champy


    Very disappointed with this Mecure! The hotel is old fashionned, as well as the rooms, the floor was dirty. The breakfast's food was poor in term of choice. I've been refused an early breakfast to go. The restaurant has very high prices and poor service. Don't go there!!

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