Rede Andrade Braz Hotel em Paraná

BrasilRede Andrade Braz Hotel



🕗 horário

Segundaaberto 24 horas
Terçaaberto 24 horas
Quartaaberto 24 horas
Quintaaberto 24 horas
Sextaaberto 24 horas
Sábadoaberto 24 horas
Domingoaberto 24 horas
67, Avenida Luiz Xavier, 80020-020, Curitiba, Paraná, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 41 3527-2775
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -25.4325, Longitude: -49.2741667

comentários 5

  • Julia Beatriz

    Julia Beatriz


    The location is amazing, right at the center of Curitiba, the avenue has many restaurants and you don't have to walk a lot to find a good place to eat. The rooms are basic but have everything that you may need. The breakfeast is great, with a lot of options. The only problem was the bathroom, the shower was to hot or to cold.

  • Gerson Ferreira

    Gerson Ferreira


    Good rooms and very quiet, with reasonable price. Close to the center of Curitiba.

  • Caio Micheletto

    Caio Micheletto


    The location is perfect. It is located in the Center of Curitiba. The room was super clean and the food is good have a fair price. The service was also very good

  • Diego Dutra Sousa

    Diego Dutra Sousa


    Good hotel, cheap for business overnight we'll located

  • Fabio Sabai

    Fabio Sabai


    The hotel is good, but has no parking lot. You to stop on the street and ask a hotel clerk to park the car properly. Most of the times there is no spot on the street, because the hotel is located in downtown and is necessary to drive around for a while. If you are not driving your own car, I highly recommend the hotel.

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