Reviver Hostel em Maranhão

BrasilReviver Hostel


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200, Rua de Nazaré, 65010-410, São Luís, Maranhão, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 98 3213-9955
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -2.5286728, Longitude: -44.3051449

comentários 5

  • Jorge Chaves Amorim

    Jorge Chaves Amorim



  • Fernando Javier Menendez

    Fernando Javier Menendez


    Very nice hostel perfectly located in old city. We arrived on Saturday afternoon during the Covid-19 crisis. Most of the shops in old city were closed. The hostel was fully booked. We were able to park the car on the street in front of the hostel door. Our room was on the first floor. They guy at the front desk helped us carry the luggage upstairs. The check-in process was super fast and easy going unlike many other places. We had a double bed plus a single. There was a tiny desk on the side right. Good enough to use a notebook computer or tablet. The AC was powerfully and the TV was good. Bathrooms were modern and new. If say among the best I've seen in a Hostel. The breakfast was ok. Bolo de milho, pão de queijo, bolo de queijo, melão, papaya, scrambled eggs, suco de cajá, tapioca, café e leite. All you can eat. In a nutshell: perfect location, nice clean rooms for a Hostel and good breakfast. If you are traveling on a budget it's a big YES!

  • Erica Bailey

    Erica Bailey


    Great postion in old town Had best room in house number 2. Breakfast could be improved. 1822 built house still being renovated. Staff spoke no English but tried to be helpful.

  • Jun Yokoyama

    Jun Yokoyama


    Breakfast was quite nice. The room had air-conditioning and always on so it's very comfortable. There are plenty of common area and bathrooms. WiFi works well. I had to move out cuz it got full but I would have stayed more.

  • Telmo BigBoss

    Telmo BigBoss


    good service, great value for money, I just did not like it because it does not have a private bathroom!

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