Tambaqui de Banda em Amazonas

BrasilTambaqui de Banda



🕗 horário

596, Rua José Clemente, 69010-070, Manaus, Amazonas, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 92 98444-6073
website: www.roteros.com.br
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -3.1309931, Longitude: -60.0227476

comentários 5

  • Francirley Rodrigues (Diley)

    Francirley Rodrigues (Diley)


    Good authentic local food. Service is ok. Food is great. Come to have a drink at sunset having an amazing view of the local opera theater.

  • Brandon Felton

    Brandon Felton


    The Grilled Fish is amazing. Skip everything else because it can't compare to the Fish. Its the 1st thing on the menu.

  • Chris Charles

    Chris Charles


    Nice location for drinks and decent enough food (the choice is good but some of the items are hit and miss), quiet area with some nice views and people watching. However the service is not fast at all so not great if you want rapid food. At sunset this place gets pretty busy, and is a nice place to cool down with a caipirinha, or 5... Hic...

  • Andrew Contreras

    Andrew Contreras


    If you want traditional Amazonian food this the place to come! Amazing dishes like the pirarucu rolls or their signature dish Tambaqui, which is full of flavour and hardly any bones. A real treat of a place, price is still very affordable for foreigners!

  • Kevin Burge

    Kevin Burge


    You can tell the chef takes great pride in the food here prepares. It was amazing and served beautifully. Perfect location, had some wonderful music upstairs. Price was higher than street food or other restaurants, but it's worth it.

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