Tatibana Japanese Cuisine em Paraná

BrasilTatibana Japanese Cuisine



🕗 horário

106, Rua Pasteur, 80250-080, Curitiba, Paraná, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 41 3016-2262
website: www.tatibana.com.br
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -25.4409045, Longitude: -49.2809745

comentários 5

  • gunther espinosa hernandez

    gunther espinosa hernandez


    First of all the service is really great, I will say that the food is also good but from one day to another change a little bit by way it’s good and it taste good as Japanese food. I didn’t try the buffet but looks also good

  • Tamas Kokai

    Tamas Kokai


    Favourite japanese place great portions, really great food, the broth was tasty

  • Alejandro Menocal

    Alejandro Menocal


    Very good place to have sushi at decent prices. Favorite rolls were : KANI FURAI COM SALMÃO(salmon) and the Filadelfia Special! Delicious!

  • Guilherme Luigi

    Guilherme Luigi


    Great food, a little expensive for my opinion (have some places with the same features and they're cheaper), the ambience is really good, you can feel that you're in japan cuisine place. They have a really big variety of dishes but at the start of the rotation they don't give you a sushi boat

  • Jerry Vanclay

    Jerry Vanclay


    Fabulous food, really delicious; plus helpful staff

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