Thermas Soho | Sauna Gay em Distrito Federal

BrasilThermas Soho | Sauna Gay



🕗 horário

SHCS Q. 5 BL A 18 - Asa Sul, Brasília - DF, 70305-000, Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 61 3323-7799
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -15.7979238, Longitude: -47.8892488

comentários 5

  • en

    Aldo Moran


    I am from Europe and this was the first time I went to a Gay Sauna in Brazilia. The welcome was nice and friendly . I had sex with a guy and I was very surprised he asked for money before leaving ... So just be careful that there are prostituted men in the sauna and that they could ask for money afterwards wuthout telling you that they are prostitutes ...

  • en

    Richard Grantham


    Visited on 29/5/17,very clean and friendly environment. To many pretty boys wanting money for sex for me overall experience was good

  • en

    James Smith


    I been there yesterday! Was very well welcomed to this place, People are very friendly and cute. Thank you Soho

  • Jose Gomes

    Jose Gomes


    I absolutely love this place. It is so clean and very modern look. While I could do without the minty smell they have in the steam room, the action going on in there, the sauna were enough for me to get over it! I was surprised how much I ended up liking the showers being visible to everyone walking by, I never pictured myself as an exhibitionist, but now I know that about myself. their staff make this place enjoyable. All this place needs is a little kitchen to make some room service meals and I would never leave. If you've ever wanted to try a bath house, Thermas Soho is the one you should try first, trust me.

  • Gay Trotter

    Gay Trotter


    Quite seedy. A few boys. Location on GoogleMaps is correct. Lower level, near the stairs, under the Esquina do Sabor.

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