Verdanna Grill em Rio de Janeiro

BrasilVerdanna Grill



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603, Avenida Quintino Bocaiúva, 24370-001, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 21 2610-5585
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -22.9261023, Longitude: -43.0949315

comentários 5

  • Zedotoko Paes

    Zedotoko Paes


    A very good gourmet... Show!

  • Clive Lau

    Clive Lau


    For the uninitiated, this is a Brazilian all you can eat barbecue place. Note however that they don't sacrifice quality for quantity! Fantastic service. These guys are pros. Good ambience. The decor was very nice. The salad bar was great, complete with sushi, risotto, etc. The cuts of meat were good -- some better than others.

  • Rajesh Gowda

    Rajesh Gowda


    The buffet was better than good but less than great. The service however deserves a 10/10. The staff are friendly and they have a few people who can speak English which is good for tourists. I ordered the buffet option and it cost R 70, for this you may eat as meat barbeque as possible as well as a lot of vegetarian and salad options including seafood and sushi.

  • Alvaro Campos

    Alvaro Campos


    Savory eats and attention, all you can eat of superb quality at the reasonable price of about 80 BR$, valet parking for around 15 BR$

  • Marcos Marx

    Marcos Marx


    Good service and meet was well prepared. Best is the Picanha. Also the cold plates self service is great !!! I did miss the fries, rice and 'farofa' at the table with the fried banana because now they serv together with the rodizio, but still enjoyed my lunch. I do recomend... (in the bathroom there is floss string which I find to be a great idea at a meet restaurant!)

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