Hostel Roma em Paraná

BrasilHostel Roma



🕗 horário

Segundaaberto 24 horas
Terçaaberto 24 horas
Quartaaberto 24 horas
Quintaaberto 24 horas
Sextaaberto 24 horas
Sábadoaberto 24 horas
Domingoaberto 24 horas
805, Rua Barão do Rio Branco, 80010-902, Curitiba, Paraná, BR Brazil
contactos telefone: +55 41 3224-2117
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -25.4369444, Longitude: -49.2658333

comentários 5

  • Dark Knight

    Dark Knight


    The best stay in Curitiba, the spacious, comfortable rooms, the cost beds, the structure of the place, the relaxed welcoming staff, the breakfast with lots of fruits, bread, cake and tea, the price everything is perfect.

  • Evaldo Vasconcelos

    Evaldo Vasconcelos


    The hostel has a good struture, localization and good prices.

  • Anayã Gimenes Ferreira

    Anayã Gimenes Ferreira


    Great value for what it offers. Good bedroom and location. The only problem was that the front door closes at night and we had to wait for a bit to get the staff to open it.

  • Bia K D S

    Bia K D S


    Great experience. I recommend I would go back without a doubt.

  • Michele Silva

    Michele Silva


    Nice room, with a comfortable bed and a good shower. The breakfast is great, with fruits and lots of cake options. There is a living room with a computer and a tv room. There's no kitchen, but coffee and tea are always available. The location is great. The only downside is the Internet, which was slow and unstable.

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